We're expecting somewhere between 3 and 15 inches in the next 24 hours. How is it possible that one web site predicts "light snow" and another up to 15 inches?? Go figure. Don't they all have the same computers using the same weather models to predict precipitation? I don't get it.
Anyway, thought of a couple more marriage principles that we've gleaned over the past few years:
5. The first one to be humble wins. It only takes one of you to humble yourself and admit where you're wrong - sincerely - for healing to begin. Unfortunately, most of the time both parties believe they're right in their own eyes and in the end everyone loses. It's very sad to watch. It just takes one, because it's almost impossible to remain hard-hearted in the face of true humility and confession.
6. The power of prayer. I'm amazed how rare it is to meet a couple today who ever pray together. Maybe it's a reflection of how far our culture has removed God from the picture. I'm not talking about non-Christians here, but couples who've been in the church for many years but who have never actually prayed with their spouse. There is great power available to us when we come to God in agreement, together, to ask Him to heal whatever is broken in our marriage.
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