Daphne's folks will be leaving us on Thursday morning, and we will be sad to see them go. After two months away I'm sure they're looking forward to being back in their own "digs" again, but we've had an truly wonderful and memorable time with them. When they arrived we all sensed that the Lord was bringing them here for more than just a visit, and this has really proven to be true. God has used them in our lives in some significant ways, and I also believe the reverse is also true. Their visit has been very significant for me personally for one main reason: when they arrived, I was in a difficult and confusing place emotionally. I was struggling to understand why God had brought us here and what roles we could fill in our church, and I was honestly feeling depressed. What a change two months can bring! I can't explain what has transpired in my heart, or when it happened; all I know is that I feel fulfilled and full of joy and excitement over what God is doing in my life, in my family and in our community. This fact (the change in my emotional state since Daphne's folks arrived) only occurred to me this morning, so I'm still wondering how God brought it about. Regardless, I'm grateful to God and to several key prayer partners who've faithfully stood in the gap for us spiritually. God has answered their prayers.

I am realizing what a challenge it is for pastors to preach every week, and to do so with energy, passion and a fresh word from God. All the years we served overseas I would preach about once a month, so I had plenty of time to think, pray and prepare a message to bring. Now that I'm speaking every week, I've gained a whole new appreciation for challenge this presents. Michael has been a great help to me - giving me tips on ways to improve my presentation, and how to build my messages in a clear and simple way. Still, the difficulty remains to come with a topic that I am passionate about. If the passion isn't there, the whole message can collapse. Last week I re-taught on Character (since only two people had come the previous week due to the snow... which I find amusing, being that we're living in the mountains and all), but I just could not get my heart into the topic. I got through the message, but with enormous difficulty and a great deal of spiritual opposition. Tomorrow I'm planning to talk about the reality of spiritual persecution, particularly in the Middle East. The difficulty is to take this topic and "bring it home" for the folks here.
The day after Daphne's folks head back to Jolly Old England, Daphne and I will hop on a plane to Orlando to spend a few days with my folks. We didn't get to see them at all during the holidays, and the last time we saw them was during the summer. Mom has finished her radiation treatments and is hopefully feeling stronger and able to handle some more visitors. My folks are opening their home on Saturday evening for all the people we've worked with in the NAMESTAN office who now live in Orlando - should be a fun reunion.
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