Last night was prom night, and I can't believe my little girl attended her first prom - with another girl mind you - but I was AOK with that. I managed to get a picture of Karine and Jesse just before I drove them down to the venue for the prom - the Red Rocks amphitheater. Well, not IN the amphitheater, since it had been snowing all day yesterday, but in the restaurant. Due to the layout of Red Rocks I could only maneuver the car up to within 200 yards of the entrance, and they had to walk the rest of the way in the drizzle and their high heels. Thankfully Jesse's Dad offered to pick them up around midnight
because I nearly fell asleep on the way home. But it took me quite

a bit longer than normal to get home, because this enormous boulder had fallen onto the Southbound lane (heading back up the mountain) and completely blocked the traffic. As we drove by on the opposite side I couldn't believe how huge it was (the news report estimated that the boulder weighs 60 tons), and what a miracle that it didn't crush any vehicles as it came down. They'll probably have to blast it apart to remove it from the road. I suddenly have a great deal more respect for those signs on the side of the road that say "Falling Rocks"!
You can see how beautiful Karine and Jesse looked as we got ready to drive down for the prom. The prom ended at 11pm, then they all came back to the school for the "after prom" party that was due to last until around 3 am this morning - then off to a friend's house for pancakes. I wouldn't have lasted even through the prom, let alone all the other festivities. Karine called around 12:30 this morning to say that she'd forgotten to bring her jeans... and could Papa just run them down to the school for her?? That didn't happen. She found another solution in the end.
I heard an interesting sermon a couple of days ago. The pastor was making the point that worship is - in essence - love expressed, and that God created us to worship Him. I'd never thought about this, but he spoke about the three original Arc Angels and their different roles: Lucifer, who was responsible for worship; Michael, who is the warrior and comes in response to prayer, and Gabriel who brings messages from the Lord. And every encounter we have with God includes the same three elements: worship, prayer and truth. Interesting, isn't it? Three Arc Angels, so assumedly one third of all angels followed each of the three. This would mean that when Lucifer sinned and was cast down to earth, he took with him the third of all angels who were responsible for worship... and his place was left vacant. Now, God could have appointed another angel to that role, but He chose instead to give the responsibility for worship to us! This would explain why worship is so meaningful to us, and why music has such a powerful effect in our lives. It gives a whole new meaning to the idea of worshipping the Lord.
We're just on the tail end of yet another Spring snowstorm, and the snow is really wet. Hopefully it will all melt very soon.
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