A New Home
First off, we've made an offer on a home, and it was accepted! It's much smaller than our previous home (1800 sq feet vs 2900) but we wanted to downsize anyway. It's located only 10 minutes from the store, and was built in 1999 - so hopefully there are no major issues. We've done most of the inspections and we'll submit our inspection objections tomorrow. The only real downsides are the steep driveway and no dining room to speak of. It even has a hot-tub, which was one of my personal requests of the Lord, so I can get some relief during the bad nights with restless legs. We're taking a calculated risk to buy the home, since we would not qualify for a home loan until we can show 2 years of profit from the store (and the store has shown no profit so far, which is the norm for small start-up businesses) which requires us to use IRA funds along with the equity from our home in Conifer. Our home for the past six months has been the apartment above the store (and three storage units) which has worked out fine for the short term, but we've all been sleeping in one room which has it's definite drawbacks... I'll leave that one to your imagination. The house was only on the market one day and already had one offer on it, so we had to jump on it to have any chance of getting it. We'd already had three other homes that we were ready to make offers on (all of them on the market 3 days or less), and each time they were already under contract. No question the housing market is heating up. Our trust is in the Lord and His faithfulness. God is good, all the time!
I've started an old west gunfighter reenactment group called The Myers' Marauders. The whole idea came about last year when I invited another reenactment group to come perform on Bailey Day. I wanted them back this year (June 14), but they were not available. I started doing some research, recruited a few other guys who enjoy playing cowboy, and we're now in the process of joining the American Frontier Reenactment Guild. The guild is very particular about the actors wearing authentic period clothing and using period guns - so I traded in my .357 for a replica colt .45 revolver. We're scheduled to do five shows on Bailey Day, and we're working out an agreement with South Park City (very popular 1800's ghost town in Fairplay, CO) to perform multiple times this summer. We had our first performance in Shawnee (couple miles from Bailey) for their history day. The gal who was organizing the event wanted it to be a surprise, but I know how many people are packing heat up here and told her that we needed to put a sign up to alert people that a western gunfight would be taking place. Part of the skit involved me coming in with a scarf over my face and my gun drawn. I yelled, "This is a hold-up! Get your hands in the air!" At which time the musician who'd been playing up front points a gun at me and yells, "Oh yeah! We'll see about that!". My immediate thought was, "This wasn't part of our script", and I stood there for a couple of seconds wondering what to do - since I only had blanks, and depending on whether that's a toy or not that he's pointing at me this could get tricky. I decided to ignore him and went on with the show. Found out later it was a toy gun... that's all I need is a hero who guns me down in the middle of a show! The following weekend we were asked to do two performances for the first anniversary of the new Staunton State Park near Conifer. I have a feeling this hobby could get out of control real fast!
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