(snowstorm at night). Plow three parking lots, then start on the driveways. I have to be extra careful with the driveways as I damaged more than one garage door last winter due to heavy snow and sleep deprivation. My insurance agent warned me not to make another claim. I thought insurance companies existed to sell insurance??? Must have been in the fine print: "Last but not least, don't file any claims or we'll cancel your policy. Ha Ha."
Get a phone call mid-morning, "Do you plow snow in Shawnee?" After a minute or two of discussion I agree to swing by his house, since he assured me it's an "easy driveway". Should have learned my lesson by now; the "easy ones" are always the worst. We live in the mountains, and every home builder up here must be from Florida or something. They love to build driveways one of three ways: straight up the side of the hill at a 60º angle, or with 3-5 hairpin turns that will only accomodate a mini cooper, or 1/2 mile long. This driveway was the second variety. The gentleman I spoke to was obviously quite elderly, so I decide not to charge them the full price. That's the next lesson I should have learned by now: charge by the minute, not by the job. As soon as I arrive I can tell that one end of the circular driveway has at least 2 feet of snow on it, and the other end has three tight turns that my truck can barely make while I try to keep from crushing the ornate solar driveway lights that every snow plower just loves. I end up spending way too long on his driveway, but I still want to cut them a break on the price. Just before I leave I find out that this is their second home. They normally live in Highlands Ranch, a Bourgois suburb of Denver. C'est la vie.
Gotta Love The Beauty of Fresh Snow |
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