Friday, October 23, 2009

Down to the Wire

     The Lord loves to bring things down to the wire!  We now have two offers on the house, both significantly lower than we were hoping for.  Another couple came by for a second visit last night, and may call back with an offer as well.  The exchange rate between the dollar and the euro is very favorable right now for us (€1 = $1.5), but once we accept an offer we will still have 90 days to wait for the closing - it's just the way the French bureaucracy works.  A lot can obviously change in that period of time.  We need to accept one of the offers by Sunday, because we only have next week to meet with the lawyer to draw up the sale contract.  

     A second, perhaps even more pressing challenge, relates to the sale of our car.  Since all our funds are tied up in the house for the next three months, we need to sell our car here to be able to purchase a vehicle in Colorado... and we'll need a vehicle as soon as arrive.  So once more we find ourselves at the 11th hour, waiting upon the Lord and trusting that He knows what our needs are and that He is more than capable to work it all out.  

     We are still in the process of selling all the furniture and other items that we're not planning to take with us, and there is a virtual stampede of people coming by the house today (Saturday) to see what we have for sale.  I'm both thrilled that we can hopefully sell a lot of items today, and challenged by the fact that I am preaching my last sermon tomorrow and I have no idea what I'm going to speak on!  For those reading this blog today, I would cherish your prayers for God's perfect insight in His perfect timing.  This wouldn't be the first time that I am faced with standing in front of our church not knowing what I am going to say.  

     One funny story from last night:  we had some friends over for our last official "movie night", as our TV will be picked up on Monday.  I decided to roast some chestnuts in the oven as a special treat, and when they were nice and hot I brought them out and put the pan on the coffee table.  All of the sudden there was a big "BANG" and one of the chestnuts exploded, and we were all covered in very fine chestnut particles!  It was hilarious, and will mark the occasion in our memories for the future.


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