Last night we watched the episode of Finding Bigfoot that was filmed in Bailey last September. A friend of mine took several screen shots as proof positive that Gwyn and I do exist, and that we were present at the town hall meeting. They even had a shot of my Sasquatch cut-out holding a sign that said, "I do not believe the evidence supports the existence of humans."
Believe it or not, there is a recent report that an adult male Bigfoot was shot late last year while a British film crew was making a documentary about Bigfoot. Apparently, they'd set a bait trap high on a tree and a Bigfoot came to investigate. The crew's guide woke up, saw the bigfoot, jumped out of his tent in his underwear and shot it in the back of the head. The film crew wrestled the gun away from him, but too late. According to the article (see the link below), the Bigfoot measured 7'8" tall and weighed 490 pounds. I would be highly skeptical myself except for the fact that the film company - Minnow Films - is well known and has made a number of excellent, award-winning documentaries. They claim that they're keeping the carcass until the film comes out in April. We'll see. Here's the article I read on this project - the film is tentatively going to be called, "Of Monsters and Men".
They apparently filmed several seconds of the Squatch eating the bait from inside their tent before it was shot. Below is a clip of that video; judge for yourself.